

A creepy ascension into the unknown. Are you sure they live here? Whats behind the door? Do I have to go up there? C'mon. let's just leave...


  1. You'd never know you were smashed up to a window to shoot this.... turned out good !
    I said "ominous" when I saw it in the camera... I think it also makes me curious....but glad I don't live there... lol

  2. I'm terrified of the dark. Absolutely terrified. When I see this, I feel like I'm actually down there, focused on the light at the top of the stairs, my heart jumps up in my throat, I can hear it echoing in my ears. I race up the stairs, two at a time, and slam the door loudly behind me. I'll lean up against it, take a deep breath and wait for my pulse to slow, then walk away and carry on as if that moment of desperate fear hadn't happened. That's what I feel lol :)
    -Courtney :)


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Christopher CHRISPY Bacon